
for lawyers

Why your participation in e-Court is important?

  1. Legal consultancies, legal aid lawyers and collection agencies are allowed to litigate on behalf of their clients on e-Court. Hereby is the process of the previous legal litigation monopoly abolished and you do not have to say goodbye to your client.
  2. You are offered more variety in your work, through access to a whole new litigation practice.
  3. Many lawyers experience their e-Court participation as the new "pro bono" work and seize the opportunity to profile themselves as Internet savvy and socially involved .
  4. Simple rules and (time) monitoring can help you to control the entire process.
  5. With lower costs and new source of revenues there will be greater scope for training and salary of own legal staff.
  6. As member you receive your own e-Court email box.

e-Court Member

Technology embraced and legal justice obtained with prior knowledge of expense and duration.

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