
e-Court judges possess the same academic and experience like judges on traditional public courts. e-Court is judged by the company it keeps

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J.B earned a university degree in 1965 from the University of Michigan. J.B was in the Appellate Litigation Clinic at the University Law Center, and twice was able to argue cases before the Court of Appeals. J.B found the experience so interesting that he wished to continue in the appellate area. Thereafter J.B went to Richards L & H in NewYork, in 1976. While J.B started out in commercial Law, he soon became involved in Labor and Employment Law, and stayed in that area primarily until the early 1990s when, because of the many bankruptcy cases being filed in Michigan, J.B took over the bankruptcy group at L & H. J.B continued practicing in that area.



S.A provides ethics and risk management advice to lawyers, as well as serve as an expert witness on professional responsibility and fee issues. Prior to starting her own firm, she was the Director of Lawyer Ethics in B.C for ten years. She frequently speaks throughout the country on professional responsibility, law firm risk management, and professionalism topics. She is a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Prior to starting her ethics career, she was an intellectual property associate with Morgans in Toronto, from 1987 to 1991.



P.B entered the Navy at age 17, later (after law school), 1 yr. Private practice; 8 years with Office of Controller; 3 years with Gerard, Thomans et al. (partner); Toronto Transactional / Regulatory Practice, (1 yr.- present). As a judge, P.B comes to know that there are many more stakeholders (people who are affected by your decision) than just the parties who appear before you. One of the greatest pluses of judging is a sense of knowing that you are representing society's interests in the lives of others. It is often a challenge to assure that all parties to a case feel like they have been fully heard. Making good, fair, legal and defensible decisions is but one aspect of judging. All judges command some respect - it is inherent in the office of the judge. Judges who honor the judicial office command the most respect in the legal community.



3 years active duty military; 18 years in private practice; 27 years as military attorney in reserves. F.C motto: Doing the right thing for the right reason in the face of criticism and adversity!



Prosecutor, private practice, bar association leadership positions (provincial and local bar committee chair, board of trustees, board of governors), accept court appointments in provincial courts; publication of articles; teaching at CLE programs; part-time municipal judge, small claims mediator and pro tem judge assignments to assist the bench.



Law firm practice since graduation from law school. B.G expertise : Product liability is a challenging practice area because it involves technical details, which are unique to each case and each product. B.G believes: "Litigation is inherently challenging. Helping clients find solutions to their business disputes is an even bigger challenge. Franchise law is interesting because practitioners often handle complex legal issues while working with familiar businesses that we encounter in our everyday lives"



Assistant District Attorney. Then to private practice as an associate, specializing in commercial litigation; then on to a partnership in another firm specializing in litigation in general, and construction litigation in particular. Then, F.H approached to run for the Court of Appeals and, after some thought, decided to run. F.H won and have been here since. F.H motto: "If you love the law, you will want to reason well. And if you reason well, it will show. If it shows, and you let it be known that you want to be a judge, pretty soon your name will come up in discussions when openings occur. That's pretty much what happened to me."



W.A started at the Manitoba Attorney General and moved on to the Cook Provincial Attorney before he came to Pretzel & McIntyre. W.A has been a Member of the Provincial Law Society since 1995. Here, he served on the Committees on Appropriation-Education, Energy and Environment, Financial Institutions, Pensions and Personnel, and Prison Management Reform. W.A recently joined the Board of Directors for Giant Steps Autism School.



15 credits in law school courses covering labor and employment topics; law review editor of special issue devoted to labor relations; summer clerkship in labor section of large firm known for its labor practice; associate in labor section of large firm known for its labor practice; litigation of numerous cases in federal and provincial courts; numerous jury trials; numerous administrative law judge trials; numerous appellate court arguments; frequent speaker to client groups, bar conferences, trade associations, chambers of commerce on employment topics; editor of human resources management reporter; editor of book on employee duty of loyalty; editor of annual update of book on covenants not to compete; adjunct professor of labor law at UBC Law School; law firm employment department manager; in CDA Labor and Employment Section Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee served as management co-chair of subcommittees on covenants not to compete, ethics, and trial advocacy, program co-chair, and chair-elect.

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