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J.B earned a university degree in 1965 from the University of Michigan. J.B was in the Appellate Litigation Clinic at the University Law Center, and twice was able to argue cases before the Court of Appeals. J.B found the experience so interesting that he wished to continue in the appellate area. Thereafter J.B went to Richards L & H in NewYork, in 1976. While J.B started out in commercial Law, he soon became involved in Labor and Employment Law, and stayed in that area primarily until the early 1990s when, because of the many bankruptcy cases being filed in Michigan, J.B took over the bankruptcy group at L & H. J.B continued practicing in that area.



S.A provides ethics and risk management advice to lawyers, as well as serve as an expert witness on professional responsibility and fee issues. Prior to starting her own firm, she was the Director of Lawyer Ethics in B.C for ten years. She frequently speaks throughout the country on professional responsibility, law firm risk management, and professionalism topics. She is a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Prior to starting her ethics career, she was an intellectual property associate with Morgans in Toronto, from 1987 to 1991. Further info ..........READ ON

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